Look how adorable this bride is! Since I'm also quite short, I hope I look this adorable at my wedding!
(image by Gene Higa - via Bustle, a division of Liz Beck Events, of which my two pals Amy and Pam are interns!)
Get your kids to play outdoor games, even if you have to trick them.
Wonder how effective these anti-theft stickers are...
Yummy, cookie tables!
Apparently, the correct way to peel a banana...
Wisdom from the Dalai Lama (via Mental Floss)
4 Perfectly Round Circles
Hilarious n00b boyfriend video!
Amazing Flickr streams - official stream for President Obama and Michael Hughes, who superimposes souvenirs over the actual landmarks.
Yikes...not sure I'd try those anti-theft stickers on my car...people might judge me on the freeway for being a crappy driver :)